
The literal meaning of the word Mandala means circle, and circle mandalas are also one of the most commonly available forms of mandalas. Their first emergence came from regions across the Himalaya and India, where people used the artistic expression of mandalas to form symbolic relationships between the universe and the spirit. 

Today, mandalas have become a popular symbol of meditation, which aids in enhancing focus, silencing thoughts while meditating, combatting stress and anxiety, appreciating the beauty of nature, and forming a greater connection with oneself. 

For this week’s Nobu at Home activity, we’re providing you with a Mandala Coloring Book. Enjoy coloring these pages with your loved ones at home while taking the time to connect your mind, body, and spirit and bringing in a sense of relaxation. Follow along on our social at @NobuLosCabos and tag us using #NobuatHome to show us your best Mandala creation.

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